Project 217
I'm aiming to run 217 miles across the Dominican Republic with to raise money for this non-profit. The question is why would anyone want to do that? Its simple; I want to see change and I have the ability to make it happen. By running I will be able to show every bit of beauty the DR has to offer. It is a place that has been close to my heart for the majority of my life and the last thing I want to see is a place so rich in life and culture be trashed due to lack of systems in place to handle the kind of volume they see each year. Un-sanctioned and illegal dump sites are riddled throughout the country because there's no other place for the trash to go. These dump sites more often than not they are hundreds of yards from the beach meaning that as soon as it rains, tons of trash gets washed into the oceans causing issues that could spread all over the world. To get the attention of anybody in the 21st century it's damn near impossible, so you have to do something pretty out there. I feel as if running 217 miles across a 3rd world country might catch some eyes and hopefully create some change. Donating or buying a piece of Playa Verde clothing creates a direct impact in keeping this dream alive!